Kleuter-, kinder- en jeugdboeken en theater – de eerste lange lijst van dit soort

Een aparte kinderboekenlijst. Uit de andere lijst gehaald omdat die toch al idioot lang is en ik de kinderboeken niet echt wil bespreken. Ook hier weer boeken waarin theater, acteurs, actrices, soms films een rol spelen.

Adele Griffin – Split just right (Econo-Clad Books, 2001)
Allan and Janet Ahlberg – The Cinderella show (Viking Juvenile, 1987)
Avi – Romeo and Juliet – Together (And Alive!) at Last (HarperCollins, 1988)
Bies van Ede – Julia’s droom (Tilburg: Zwijsen, 2007)
Carl R. Green – House of fear (Crestwood House, 1987)
Darren Shan – Slagtenstein (Vert. van Slawter) (Baarn : De Fontein, 2006)
Eduardo Delgado; Helena Rosa – Five friends put on a play (Crescent, 1988)
Elizabeth Starr Hill – Curtain going up! (Viking Juvenile, 1995)
Felicia Bond – The Halloween play (HarperCollins, 1999)
Gary Blackwood – Shakespeare’s Scribe, Shakespeare’s Spy, The Shakespeare Stealer (Dutton Juvenile, 1998)
Geoffrey Trease – Cue for Treason (Puffin Books, 1973)
Gertrude Chandler Warner – The Mystery on Stage (Boxcar Children Mysteries #43) (Whitman, 1994)
Gillian Cross – The dark behind the curtain (Oxford University Press, 2001)
Gregory Rogers – The boy, the bear, the baron, the bard (Roaring Brook Press, 2007)
Jean Ure – Hi there, Supermouse (Morrow, 1988)
Jerome Lawrence – Golden Circle: A Tale of the Stage and the Screen and Music of Yesterday and Now and Tomorrow and Maybe the Day After Tomorrow : A Novel (Sun & Moon Press, 1993)
Jocelyn Stevenson – Bo Saves the Show: Starring Jim Henson’s Muppets (Random House, 1982)
John Louis and Patricia Beatty – Master Rosalind (Morrow, 1974)
Kathryn Kenny – Trixie Belden and the mystery of the velvet gown (Golden Press, 1980)
Laurie Lawlor – Biggest pest on Eighth Avenue (Holiday House, 1997)
Lou Steenbergen – Koen: de jongen die niet zo nodig moest (Amsterdam: Manteau, 1984)
Lydia Rood – Kus (Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 2005)
Marc Brown – Arthur’s Thanksgiving (Little, Brown Young Readers, 1994)
Marcia Leonard – Krissy and the big snow (Grosset and Dunlap, 1996)
Marilyn Singer – The Case of the Sabotaged School Play (HarperTrophy, 1987)
Mary Hoffman – Amazing Grace (Dial Books, 1991)
Mary Pope Osborne – Stage Fright on a Summer Night (Random House Books for Young Readers, 2002
Mem Fox – Wombat Divine (Voyager Books, 1999)
Meredith Sue Willis – Marco’s Monster (Montemayor, 2001)
Meriol Trevor – The rose and crown: Letzenstein Chronicles, book 4 (Bethlehem Books, 1999)
Michael Ende – Ophelia’s Shadow Theatre (Overlook Juvenile, 1988)
Michael Williams – Crocodile Burning (Puffin, 1994)
Nancy Garden – Good Moon Rising (iUniverse, 2005)
Noel Streatfeild – Ballet Shoes, Theater shoes (1945)
Odo Hirsch – Antonio S. en het verborgen theater (Amsterdam: Ploegsma, 1998) (Vert. van: Antonio S. and the mystery of Theodore Guzman)
Paulette Bourgeois – Franklin’s school play (Kids Can Press, 1996)
Sheila Front – Never say Macbeth (Doubleday, 1990)
Stan and Jan Berenstain – The Berenstain bears get stagefright (Random House, 1986)
Stephanie Calmenson – No stage fright for me! (Goldencraft, 1988)
Uriel Ofek – Alles begon met Jossi (Vert. van: Alles begann mit Jossi) (Den Haag: Van Goor, 1977)
Wendy Stroobant – Orfeo (Leuven: Davidsfonds, 2006)

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