Nieuw boek voor het project

David Nicholls – The understudy
Werd aangeprezen in Zone070 als een zomerboek van het lichte soort, alleen hebben ze het daar een beetje mis geloof ik. Volgens Zone070 wordt de New Yorkse theaterwereld op de hak genomen en dan heeft Amazon het ineens over West End, hetgeen volgens mij nog steeds Londen is. Maar … geeft niet.

Even wat knippen uit Amazon:
Nicholls’s second novel (after A Question of Attraction) focuses on Stephen C. McQueen, a 32-year-old actor forlornly hoping for his big break. With an 11-year career whose sole highlight has been playing a corpse, Stephen’s latest gig, understudying Josh Harper (one of London’s hottest stars) in a West End play, actually has promise. If only Josh would miss a performance (say, break a leg, literally), Stephen would secure the lead, and in turn, the approval of his critical ex-wife, Alison, and his precocious seven-year-old daughter, Sophie. But while Josh is many things (self-absorbed, cruel), he’s never sick, and just as Stephen’s abhorrence for the haughty superstar reaches its crescendo (he’s asked to waiter at Josh’s birthday bash) Stephen meets Nora, Josh’s acerbic and neglected bride, and later stumbles upon Josh mid-tryst with a costar. Suddenly Stephen’s able to make a deal—his silence in exchange for the starring role. Of course, the rules of light romantic comedy prevail: Stephen falls in love with Nora and realizes that he can’t lie to make his own career. Nicholls’s background as a screenwriter is evident, and while clever, his latest novel is still saccharinely predictable, best paired with sand and surf.